Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand

In this article we will be looking at Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand. Read on to find out all the details.

Taking special care of the information needs of your main audience is an extraordinary method for making progress as a online business owner.

now that you have choose a niche and installed a blog where you can share your experiences, you want a method for contacting, and keep in contact with your audience.

You basically can’t then pause and depend on individuals returning to your site by themselves to check whether you have anything new.

You will need to reach out to them, in order to share ideas and make recommendations.

That is how to start a two-way conversation that builds loyalty and helps solidify your brand.

You can start creating a database which would be containing the names and email addresses of your followers.

This is a voluntary sign-up process, so it’s a list that includes people who want to hear from you again.

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

For some individual, taking the initiative to own a list of subscribers and send out Email communications can be a daunting task.

They worry about the recipient not wanting to hear from them, or not remembering who they are.

They are afraid that their email won’t be worthy of entering someone’s email inbox.

please let go of this fear and allow yourself to develop the right voice for your audience.

Surely this doesn’t happen overnight. It’s something that comes with time, as you hear feedback from your target audience.

They’ll guide you on what works best with them – including the types of things you email them about as well as the frequency with which you email them.

Before you get started, know that there will be missteps and that is alright!

You can find what works and tweak your approach.

And keep in mind that you won’t be able to keep 100% of the people on your list happy 100% all the time.

You’re going to have people who will unsubscribe for your list – and even those who act irrational and lash out at you.

This isn’t about you. It’s about the fact that they choose to act out while hiding behind a keyboard.

Every online marketer endures this kind of behavior – but do you know what else they experience?

Wonderful email replies sent from Happy subscribers who please with the information you are sharing with them

and can’t wait to see what’s in the next day’s message.

Focus your time and effort on those people and try not to get your feelings hurt if you email out and get a nasty and unpleasant unsubscribe message.

It’s bound to happen. People tend to be more vocal when they’re annoyed but when you get the heartfelt emails of gratitude from those you’ve helped, it will outweigh the others.

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand :

Choose the Email Marketing Automation Tool

If you’re in the online marketing space, you’re going to see a variety of email automation tool being sold week after week, year after year for some new email autoresponder that promises to be the best thing since sliced bread.

But what often happens is the tool only works for a short time and either it fails to get through to peoples’ inboxes, or the product creators simply abandon it and fail to support it, leaving you in a lurch with a list in a system that doesn’t work.

A better way to do it is to select from one of the major email autoresponder companies that have sustained themselves over time.

I prefer Systeme.io as they have been a leader in technology and delivery rates for many years.

If you’re on a tight budget and need to start free, Systeme now lets you do that.

This is free to a certain number of emails, and then you have to start paying, but that’s okay because hopefully you’re profiting by that time.

Systeme.io has excellent customer service to help you whenever you may have an issue that needs to be solved.

And their helpful videos tutorials walk you through the use of the system and answer any questions you may have.

One great new feature from Systeme is their landing page builder where you can build a great looking landing page using their templates, and it will include your opt-in form right on the page.

It’s a big time saver that gets you a professional looking landing page in just a few minutes.

Another great thing about using these tools is that you can periodically export and download the file of your subscribers.

This works even if you’ve built multiple lists, such as one for buyers and one for free subscribers.

Or if you work in multiple niches and have a list for your marketing customers, one for those who follow your homesteading advice, and another for people who found you through your pet niche site.

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand :

How to Capture Names and Email Addresses for Your List

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Business

When you have your niche idea, your site built and your email autoresponder system chosen, you’ll be wondering where the capturing of those names and email addresses will take place.

There are several ways you can do it. I’ll cover five of the most common ones and as time goes on, you may find other ways,such as on certain social media sites, that will work for you.

A landing page is a good place to start. This can be on the main root of your domain or elsewhere, such as yourdomain.com/freegift for example.

This is a page where you showcase your free gift that the prospect gets in exchange for sharing their name and email address.

It’s a simple, low content page that typically has one or two headline, an image of the free gift, such as an eCover, the opt in box that asks them to enter their name and email address, and a short blurb about what it is they’re getting.

It can be designed to match your site and brand colors. These are sometimes called lead magnet pages, because the free gift serves as a magnet for the leads who come to download your gift.

The sidebar of your blog is another great place to house your lead capturing opt in box. This is a smaller vertical rectangle, where you can have a short title, eCover image and opt in box to allow people who land on your blog to sign up for updates and whatever else you want to gift them.

Some people also use the space below each blog post to share their opt in box. This is beneficial because, if your blog post is long, and the reader has scrolled down to the bottom of the page,

they may not remember the box was in the sidebar – so this is your chance to capture their information before they click out.

Another way you can capture leads is through the sale of an information (digital) product. Regardless of which platform you use for this purpose, JVZoo or Warrior Plus, for example, you can enable the system to send out an email autoresponder confirmation to the person who buys your product.

If you ever come across someone who wants to be on your list and simply tells you to add their name, Systeme has options for that. You can manually add the subscriber and it will send them a confirmation email to ensure the addition was a welcomed one.

I’ve used all five ways and I can tell you from experience that the Buyer’s List Method is the best method by far.

That’s because you’re getting proven buyers, so they’ve shown their value and then it will be time for you to cater to their needs and prove your value to them – both in the products they buy and in your emails that go out to them.

I suggest you try all five methods and see which one works best for you.

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand :

Broadcast and Follow Up Emails

broadcast email

When you start email marketing, you’ll want to employ the use of either follow up emails, broadcast emails – or both! You need to understand the difference first and then make a decision for the emails you want to send out.

A follow up email is an email you queue up in the system that every new subscriber gets. So for example, let’s say you’re in the diet niche and you promise a tip every week for a year will go to their inbox if they enter their name and email address.

You can queue up 52 emails into your follow up autoresponder system and set the days between them, such as every 7 days a new email goes out. This is a great hands off system.

But there is a drawback you should know. If you queue up any timely information, it can become outdated and a burden for you to sort through and update to something more recent.

You wouldn’t want to say anything about a recent study if your follow up email is still being used four years down the line. You want to keep your emails evergreen if you’re putting them into a queue to be used long-term.

Now with a broadcast email, it’s being sent out only to those people who are signed up to your list at that very time.

So no one who signs up a week later – or even minutes after your email goes out – will see this communication.

This is perfect for notifying your list about a sale that’s come up or something time-specific that you want to notify them about. Some people only use broadcast emails and don’t employ the use of follow up emails at all.

You can use a mixture of the two if you want. This is perfectly fine. So if you have a weekly newsletter that you send out that has evergreen information, it’s acceptable to use your broadcast email option to notify your list about other, more timely things.

But if you have a daily follow up email going out on top of a daily broadcast email, then your list will be hearing from twice a day, and that can get burdensome to many consumers.

There is one follow up email you’ll want to have queued up and that’s the one for new subscribers.

This is the one where you deliver the free download or gift to your new subscribers and include a message about what they can expect being on your list.

It’s a welcome email, and it’s a great way to start off on the right foot. But whether you choose to queue up any additional emails after that is up to you.

You may want a hands off approach or you may want to be more involved in choosing what messages go out to your subscribers on a regular basis.

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand :

How Often Your List Wants to Hear from Your Brand?

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand

This is perhaps one of the things that worries new marketers the most. The frequency of emails. This is similar to someone asking how long an eBook should be.

Shouldn’t it be as long as it should be to convey the information to you?

Whether that’s 10 pages or 100, you, as a consumer, don’t want to pay for more fluff and filler. You simply want good information.

Still, there’s something to be said for people feeling like they got their money’s worth.

You probably wouldn’t spend $20 on a 10-page book, but you would if the book was over 100 pages. You’re conditioned to think the larger book is worth more, even if the information in the shorter book is actually higher quality.

In the case of emails, more isn’t always better. You have to strict the right balance between what the majority of your subscribers want and what you have to offer that makes sense.

Again, you’ll never please everyone. Some people on your list will get mad if you ever email them after the initial welcome email with their freebie. Others will email you checking on you if you happen to skip a single day.

You don’t want to go too long without emailing your list to the point it gets cold and they may not recognize your name anymore.

But you probably don’t want to email them five times a day, whenever you happen to think of something interesting.

Sometimes, it depends on the niche that you’re in. If you’re in a stock market niche, then it might make sense to email with breaking news all throughout the day.

But in most cases, once a day or a few times a week is sufficient.

Don’t email if you truly have nothing to share. If this happens, it might be an indicator that either you’ve chosen a niche that doesn’t have enough information in it –

or you’re not conducting your research very well and you need to learn how to find juicy tidbits of info to send to your readers.

When it comes to numbers, frequency isn’t the only thing marketers worry about. Length of the email is also a concern.

Just write enough to convey your message adequately. Don’t drone on and on and look at conversions and response to see if your list loves short, punchy emails or longer communications!

Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand –

Be Ready and Willing To Help

 Email Marketing Important

Remember, one key to successful email marketing is making yourself available to people who have questions.

Many marketers overlook this or simply don’t do it because they feel it will create a lot of work for them.

But I’ve been doing this for 25 years and I can tell you it is worth it.

Just the offer of help alone is enough to gain the trust of most people. It does not increase your workload significantly as many marketers fear.

In fact, many of your readers will simply “stick that offer of help in their pocket” for a later date when they need it.

In the meantime, they’ll hang around and read your emails knowing you care enough to help them when they need it.

I’ve had subscribers reach out to me after five years, ten years and even longer, finally getting around to building a business online and needing some help.

Maybe they need me to build them a blog, promote their product, or just want some advice.

No matter what they need, I’m always happy to help them the best I can, and you should be willing to do that for your audience as well.

Success comes from establishing relationships and that’s Why Is Email Marketing Important to your Brand! Let me know your view leave a comment Below.